Do you listen to quite a lot of music or audio on your web browser and strugling with volume balance of each source? If so this article is for you =)

Recently I developed chrome extension that is going to help you. popup.png Below I describe how to release full potential of of using it.

Volume Mixer for Chrome tabs

Did you even troubled with finding the resource of sound among numerous tabs? Sure, everyone experienced it.
The extension will show you what tabs are playing audio right now. What’s more, you are able to control volume of that anoying tab. All what you need is to switch to the tab (by clicking on relevant button) and use shortcuts or slider.

Volume Booster

Sometimes video or audio sound is too low to hear, but it’s already 100% of the speakers volume.
Here our extension rescue us again… As you, probably, already saw there are additional smaller slider near the regular, bigger. It allows you to bost volume up to 800%! But you should tolerant to you speakers, you can burn them out <3

Shortcuts to control sound

By default Volume Manager uses hotkeys:

  • Ctrl + Q or Ctrl + arrow-rigth to volume UP
  • Alt + Q or Ctrl + arrow-left to volume DOWN By the way, you can enable or disable it anytime on the options page of the extension.

Additional features and settings

Right Click on the icon -> Options to go to the Settings.


  1. Mute all tabs (Take ABSOLUTE control on what you should to hear!)
  2. Current volume level of a tab in it’s name
  3. Full screen mode for videos (if you feel whathing videos buggy - turn it off)
  4. On/Off shortcuts


Hope you will find my little creation usefull. Also feel free to suggest new features or tell me about bug or even say “thank you” in the comments.
