Hi there!
Nowadays, everyone needs a VPN… Bolow I explain and show how to do it from scratc.

Getting a server (run)

The easiest way to get it is to register a free 1 year Amazon account. It’s a very generous offer from amazon, 1 year of free server using, isn’t it?

Well, here is step by step instruction of how to do it. Except a two moments:

  1. Choose Ubuntu 16.04 not Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  2. While configuring you should set security group like here I have: security group of instance inbound all security group of instance outbound all

Ususally, it takes 5 minutes to run and connect to a server.

Installation proxy enviroment

To continue you should be connected to your server like this: running ssh remote connection If so, just follow this steps:

  1. type sudo apt-get update
  2. type sudo apt-get upgrade
  3. type sudo apt-get install squid

Configuration of a basic proxy server

The configuration of the Squid Proxy Server is handled in the /etc/squid/squid.conf. I will show you how to configure a very basic proxy server:

  1. type sudo nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
  2. press Ctrl/Cmd + W and type http_access deny all
  3. change http_access deny all to http_access allow
  4. press Ctrl/Cmd + O to save and Ctrl/Cmd + W to exit
  5. And type sudo service squid restart to restart server with new configurations

Remark: Ctrl/Cmd means key Ctrl for Windows and Cmd for Mac

Connecting and Testing our VPN

Before closing ssh connection type in it curl 'https://ipinfo.io/ip'. You will recieve public ip addres of testable server. Don’t forget to copy the value.

Now go to proxy settings of your browser or of operating system and input recently received IP + port: 3128.


That’s it. Hope you like your result and it took not more time than I have the article writing =).
